We are at silicon quantum information processing workshop 2021

On 21st September 2021, the IoP Silicon Quantum Information Processing Workshop (SiQIP21) took place as an online event. Members of the SEQUEL team contributed to both the organisation of the event and the proceedings. In particular,
- Alessandro chaired the event in partnership with colleagues from University of Oxford, University of Copenhagen, and Quantum Motion Technologies
Abubakr presented a poster on the characterisation of superconductive resonators.

Alex and Prince joined the audience. In general, the event attracted nearly 100 international delegates, with contributors joining from as far as Australia and New Zealand. Besides academic delegates, there was a sizable contingent of approximately 25% joining from industry. This included companies such as Hitachi, Tyndall, Oxford Instruments and Imec, just to name a few. More information and a YouTube video recording of the event can be found here.