News SEQUEL joins leading institutions in Prosperity Partnership to address thermal challenges in quantum computing Kristopher Barr receives Sir David Anderson Travel Award! Paper on the APL Cover Page! Cameron Leckie selected for Carnegie grant Megan Powell selected for Summer School in Quantum Technologies SEQUEL host Silicon Quantum Information Processing Workshop 2023 Megan Powell's MacRobertson Travel Award Angus Russell goes to Univ. of Cambridge Published in Phys. Rev. Applied! Our paper among top downloaded SEQUEL welcomes the arrival of a dilution refrigerator At quantum showcase for EPIQC Sequel organised the qca forum We are at SQIPW22 SEQUEL at first in person EPIQC workshop Alessandro at RAISIN Workshop Prince Khatri at Rank prize 50th ANNIVERSARY SEQUEL Group at UK semiconductor 2022 Conference SEQUEL group is a partner in the new EPIQC project Megan Powell's official welcome in SEQUEL group Angus Russell received undergraduate research award Our website is now LIVE! Visit to NPL and Oxford instruments. Megan Powell, Reece Jones and Prince Khatri joined the SEQUEL group New PhD student, Alexander Zotov joined the SEQUEL group We were at Silicon Quantum Information Processing Workshop 2021 Alessandro interviewed in Nature Alessandro featured in the 2021 Emerging Leaders List of IoP’s JPhysD Our paper is on the Cover Page Alessandro is awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Alessandro receives Impact and Strategic Themes Award at Strathclyde’s Images of Research competition